Sunday, August 26, 2007

Peas Please!

Another weekend has come and gone, and with it, many more meals. I don't know why, but it felt like we did a lot of eating this weekend.

Here is Cara's dinner from Friday night. Yes, she is using a fork, and doing rather well with it too. However, it is apparently very difficult to get peas speared efficiently. She missed her mouth so many times, Maddie was having a blast waiting underneath her chair. Even when she eats peas with her hands, she eats them one at a time.... it is an excruciating process, particularly because she loves peas, so she will eat every single one of them on her plate before touching anything else. Grapes, we learned, are also difficult to get on a fork. The potato pancake worked much better - but she didn't really want to eat it herself, and ended up trying to feed most of that to mommy. Watermelon is easy to spear with a fork - but harder to get off the fork if it's a big piece. This whole learning to eat thing takes a lot of patience!

We also did some very adventurous eating out.... On Saturday night we went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends - well, 3 other couples with a total of 6 children between them (14 people in all). I thought this sounded like a complete recipe for disaster - but it ended up being really fun.
Cara had a chicken taco with beans and rice. She liked the rice a lot, and ate some of the chicken out of the taco - this was until she spied Bella's chicken fingers and fries. Now, you may wonder why we didn't order her chicken fingers and fries in the first place... well, up until now Cara wouldn't eat chicken fingers - she didn't like the breading - but, as seems the case fairly often, when she sees someone (especially an older kid) eating something, she's willing to try it. In any case, Cara ended up eating Bella's dinner too.

One of the mothers also had the very good idea to bring along a portable dvd player - so when the kids finished their food, the parents actually got to eat their dinner in relative peace while the kids watched toy story.

Actually, kids from other tables came over to watch as well. There is a great business idea in there somewhere!

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