Sunday, August 19, 2007

It's good to have friends

Even when you're only one-year-old, it's good to have friends. It's even more important in you're the mom of a one-year-old.

I'm lucky in that my next-door neighbor is also one of my best friends. And she has two adorable children, who are 4 and 2, and perfect foils for my little terror of a daughter. So tonight, we had our neighbors and their children, Max and Bella, over for pizza. After some minor squabbling between Bella and Cara over who owned the princess sippy-cup with the straw, everything settled into a normal rhythm.

Cara simply adores the older kids, especially Max, who, at 4, is the sweetest little boy I have ever met. He is so good to Cara, and takes especially good care of her. They all enjoyed chasing each other around the house, putting various amusing inflatable toys on their heads, and getting "airplane rides" from the mommies after they'd had a couple of glasses of wine (the moms, not the kids).
Bella and Cara are so much alike, although a year apart in age, which is why they ended up near fisticuffs over the sippy cup. When they get older - watch out... these are two kids who are destined to think up all kinds of trouble together. I'm hoping Max will be there to keep them under control.
Pizza was great fun, and Cara and Bella's dad discussed business ideas that would get them both out of the rat race. Ideas ranged from running a cheese/chocolate/pastry business (well, we all like to eat), to creating the next children's toy boom, to winning the lottery. Although I'm not sure winning the lottery really counts as a business plan... although it would be nice.

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