Sunday, August 19, 2007

Baby Tornado

It is amazing how much trouble a one-year-old can get into in just seconds. Here is the little miss, playing inside the spice cupboard. I was attempting to make dinner, and she was playing at taking out the spices and putting them back in again. I also thought that everything was sealed. Not so...

That is vanillan sugar all over the floor, which, by the way, gets very sticky when it gets wet.
Not to mention I am now out of vanillan sugar, the key ingredient to everyone's favorite Christmas cookie - brunkaka.
This "before" and "after" literally took about 30 seconds. The time it took me to cut up an onion to put in the chicken piccata I was attempting to make for dinner. This is why I don't cook often anymore.
It seriously is simply exhausting to try and keep her out of trouble. I literally need to follow her around all day just to make sure she hasn't gotten into anything. It is a wonder we ever manage to eat, let alone get anything cleaned up. I really need to find another child lock for the spice cabinet that she can't break into. That is one messy cabinet. She also found the garbage the other day. She thought is was very amusing to put all of her toys and cups into the garbage. Life certainly isn't dull.

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