Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Complexities of "Ring-Around-The-Rosie"

What do you do with a cranky one-year-old on a very rainy day? You bring over friends to play of course. Today was particularly gross, with heavy, cold, rain all day. So we invited Cara's friend Evie over to play. The girls had a wonderful time taking everything out of every drawer and cabinet they could find - they particularly liked the pizza and cookie pans - they made wonderful bangs when hit on the floor.

At one point we tried to play "ring-around-the-rosie" but ran into a stumbling block when Evie refused to hold Cara's hand. Cara was most insistant that you couldn't do the song, unless Evie held her hand. She basically ended up chasing Evie all over the family room, trying to grab her hand and hold her in one place for the song. When they got to the part of "and we all fall down" - Cara gave Evie a little help (not exactly a shove, but definitely a strong suggestion) that she fell down. Then Cara was equally perturbed when Evie would not get up (despite much pulling on her hand) to play the game again.

Luckily, Evie is very forgiving, and didn't seem to mind too much being manhandeled by Cara.

This is a picture of Cara giving Evie a "hug" - Cara's hug basically consists of her resting her head on whoever is on the receiving end of the hug. Still, it was a very nice gesture.

So we managed to survive an entire rainy day inside. We're trying out a music class tomorrow - which could be a riot. I don't know if I'll have pictures from the class - but I'll try.


Tim McGee said...

Oh- I think I need a video of music class.... ;-)

Rory said...

Sorry - no video. Although I do have some video of Cara and Evie dancing to country music... but I don't know how to upload it.