Sunday, September 9, 2007


We are back from our week long trip to Nantucket. It was a great week, and the weather was perfect every day. We spent a lot of time at the beach, although we didn't go in the water much, since the water was pretty cold.

We left out house at 3:15am (yes, as in, the middle of the night) to drive to Hyannis to catch the 7:30am ferry to Nantucket. We were supposed to get up at 2:15, and leave by 3 - but Matt set the alarm wrong, and luckily I woke up at 2:54 in a panic. The idea was that Cara would sleep in the car on the way to the ferry... and she did... a little. But she was still awake for most of the trip, and then very tired for the 2 hour ferry ride. Matt and I took turns taking cat naps and chasing her all over the boat.

The car ferry (this is the first time we've taken it) takes 2 hours to get from Hyannis to Nantucket. By contrast, the hy-line high speed ferry takes just under and hour to do the same trip - but it's a passenger only ferry. There are 2 car ferries that service nantucket - "the nantucket" and "the eagle." We had the nantucket on the way out - and it was not in the best shape. The eagle was much nicer - we had that on the way back.

Still, we arrived on Nantucket by 9:45, and were at Mimi and Bapa's house 15 minutes later. Then Cara and I took a nice long nap.

Later that evening we did dinner on the beach - a Nantucket tradition. It was windy, but beautiful.

We had a lot of fun on the beach all week - and went to beaches all over the island, including one we could only get to by boat.

As we were always looking for things to keep the little miss occupied until naptime, on Thursday and Friday we rented bikes and went riding around town. Cara really seemed to like it!

When we went back on Friday, cara pointed to the helmets on the wall and made the sign language sign for "please" - so apparently she was eager to go again. Whenever we'd go down a hill, you could hear her saying "wheeee!!!" Definitely something we will do again.

We ended up leaving Saturday night instead of Sunday morning, since we were worried about the traffic. We took the 5:35 ferry, and were home by 11:30pm - not too bad really.

So, we're back home and already have a full week planned. Cara starts her swim class next weekend, and we're seeing a bunch of friends this week so there should be lots of events to write about!

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