Sunday, October 7, 2007

Tractor Girl

At a loss for something to do this morning, Matt and I took Cara on a quick trip to a local farm one town over. They have apple picking, and pumpkins, and it appears that on weekends they also have all kinds of food and craft vendors.

One of the food booths was selling corn on the cob, one of Cara's favorite foods, so we just had to have some.

We also wandered through the pumpkins, and went to visit the resident goats. Cara and I had been to this farm before, and I thought she had been saying "geese" - but what she was actually trying to say was "goat" - still, it comes out sounding more like "gee." Here she is trying to get a better view of the goats.

The farm store had a bunch of fun stuff, including halloween decorations. One of those decorations was a boar's head hanging on the wall. While Cara was afraid of the head (reminiscent of the stuffed animal moose head at Ra-ra and Poppi's cabin), she kept wanting to go back into the area that had it - pointing up to it and saying something I couldn't understand. Probably something along the lines of "they really shouldn't put something like that where people can see, I think it belongs in a closet with that scary moose head I remember."

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