Saturday, October 13, 2007

On Dinner Parties

Thursday night friends of ours from playgroup invited a bunch of us over for a little dinner party. With 8 adults and 4 kids, not to mention a thunderstorm, it could have been total chaos - but it ended up being really fun.

The kids did a wonderful job sitting at their own table eating dinner, and played nicely while the adults ate too. There wasn't even much fighting over toys, which made me happy, since, all day Wednesday and Thursday all Cara had been saying was "mine!"

After dinner, they all had fun playing together on the couch. Jumping over each other, hugging, and generally getting too wound up.

In other news, Cara's newest skill is being able to climb up on the chair I use at my computer desk. Before I can even turn around she's up on the chair, grinning at me, and using the computer mouse to delete all my e-mail. So if you've sent me an e-mail I haven't responded to, blame my little budding Internet expert. She definitely takes after he father.

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