Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's tThe Great Pumpkin!

Ok, maybe not so great. Just a little pumpkin, or several of them. We got a bunch of tiny sugar pumpkins for the playgroup kids to decorate with stickers at our playgroup halloween party today. All day Cara enjoyed moving them from one place to another. From the coffee table, to the couch, to the play table, and even onto her rocking horse.

She also liked to try to carry two at once. A couple of things I learned...

Pumpkins do, in fact, bounce... and they are sturdier than you would think.

We had lots of friends over for our halloween party, with lots of treats too. There was Alexandra (the chicken), Avery (the belly dancer), Evie (the dog), Vivy (the fairy), Cara (another fairy), Tad (the dragonosaurus), Anthony (the cow, not pictured) and Samantha (the princess - not pictured).

More halloween fun tomorrow!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

On Dinner Parties

Thursday night friends of ours from playgroup invited a bunch of us over for a little dinner party. With 8 adults and 4 kids, not to mention a thunderstorm, it could have been total chaos - but it ended up being really fun.

The kids did a wonderful job sitting at their own table eating dinner, and played nicely while the adults ate too. There wasn't even much fighting over toys, which made me happy, since, all day Wednesday and Thursday all Cara had been saying was "mine!"

After dinner, they all had fun playing together on the couch. Jumping over each other, hugging, and generally getting too wound up.

In other news, Cara's newest skill is being able to climb up on the chair I use at my computer desk. Before I can even turn around she's up on the chair, grinning at me, and using the computer mouse to delete all my e-mail. So if you've sent me an e-mail I haven't responded to, blame my little budding Internet expert. She definitely takes after he father.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Tractor Girl

At a loss for something to do this morning, Matt and I took Cara on a quick trip to a local farm one town over. They have apple picking, and pumpkins, and it appears that on weekends they also have all kinds of food and craft vendors.

One of the food booths was selling corn on the cob, one of Cara's favorite foods, so we just had to have some.

We also wandered through the pumpkins, and went to visit the resident goats. Cara and I had been to this farm before, and I thought she had been saying "geese" - but what she was actually trying to say was "goat" - still, it comes out sounding more like "gee." Here she is trying to get a better view of the goats.

The farm store had a bunch of fun stuff, including halloween decorations. One of those decorations was a boar's head hanging on the wall. While Cara was afraid of the head (reminiscent of the stuffed animal moose head at Ra-ra and Poppi's cabin), she kept wanting to go back into the area that had it - pointing up to it and saying something I couldn't understand. Probably something along the lines of "they really shouldn't put something like that where people can see, I think it belongs in a closet with that scary moose head I remember."

Apples, Apples, Everywhere

Wow, it's already October, and Fall is definitely under way. Sorry for the long time between posts, but Ra-ra (Grandma) and Poppi were visiting last week, so we were very busy.

We went apple picking, and did lots of playing outside in the leaves, which are just starting to fall. Poppi even taught Cara how to clean out the gutters.

Cara has been working on saying lots of new words. Her favorite so far is "down" - which can mean "put me down," "put that down," or "Maddie! down! don't eat my cheese." She has also decided that mommy is not allowed to hold any other babies. Several days ago I was holding her friend Viviane, and she pointed to Vivi in my arms, then touched the ground and said "DOWN!" in a very insistent voice. So bossy!

Here's a picture of Evie, Cara and Vivi after music class the other day. Cara really likes the music class - it's mostly just shaking various instruments, running around in circles and generally making noise. What could be more fun for a 15 month old?
Other words Cara is working on include "beas" (please), "duh" (duck), "doh-gee" (doggie), and "wugga-wugga" (wiggles).
She has also been on a hugging spree. She wants to hug all of her friends, whether or not they really want hugs. It could be that Cara's hugs are a little intimidating, since she tends to bestow them at a full run.