Monday, November 26, 2007

It's Turkey Time

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We celebrated with Matt's parents, and Cara's cousins, Morgan and Grant. Here they are 'cooking' their own thanksgiving dinner. They had everything they needed - a portable cook stove, a stuffed turkey (literally, a fabric cooked turkey), cranberyy sauce, gravy, and even pumpkin pie with whipped cream.

As for the real dinner, Cara enjoyed most everything, even trying mashed potatoes for the first time.

Cara had lots of fun playing pretend with her cousins, and taking "baby" for a ride in the doll stroller mimi had on hand. 'Baby' must have driven miles in that stroller, as Cara pushed her everywhere, often transferring her from stroller to bed multiple times in just a few minutes.

We also attended the annual Cold Turkey Plunge, where brave souls jump into the Atlantic Ocean on Thanksgiving morning to raise money for charity. Unfortunately we were a little late, and missed the actual plunge by a matter of seconds (since that's as long as anyone stays in the water) - but the kids made the best of it by playing in the sand. It actually almost felt like a day at the beach, since it was actually 60 degrees out!

Cara also started putting words together, saying things like "want daddy" "go ride" and "more pease." Other words she's added this week include "rice" "Morgan" "Mimi" "Ella" (elevator), and "juice." Now that we're home, I think she's going through attention withdrawl.

Monday, November 12, 2007

It's All About Baby

Apparently Cara's baby doll, which she calls "baby" likes to help Cara eat her eggs. This morning Cara insisted on bringing baby downstairs (from her crib), and laid her on the table next to her while she was eating. The next thing I know, I look over, and Cara has 'baby' in her lap, and is feeding her eggs. Luckily, eggs wipe off easily.

You may also notice a lovely red mark on her forehead. Cara was walking to the car last week, when she tripped and fell in the garage, scraping her forehead. It looks much worse than it is, and she didn't even cry too badly. Still, everyone we meet, including strangers, wants to know what happened. It hasn't affected her sunny personality though.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The latest

Cara has been on an eating spree of late. At one meal last week she ate 2/3 chicken breast, 1/2 cup of peas, a spinach pancake and a 1/2 pint of blueberries. For dinner tonight she ate another 1/2 pint of blueberries, 2 turkey meatballs, and a 1/4 cup of edamame. This was just a half hour after she ate several pretzels and a cheese stick. I know this is fascinating information, but, hey, this is pretty much my life.

Cara has been doing and saying lots of new things lately. Favorite words are "pooh" - after winnie the pooh, "no, no, no," "cheers," "baby," and "mine!" She is very interested in copying whatever you are doing. So when I was writing in my calendar, she wanted a pen and paper to write on. When I get the broom out, she wants to sweep - which is sometimes very counterproductive.

She also loves walking around the house with various bags - pretending to go "shopping" - she'll grab a bag, walk down the hallway, and say "bye" to me, like she's on some big adventure.
She is just getting to be such a big girl.